Sen Ted Cruz Swings At Cleveland Baseball Team Name-Change Spectacularly Misses

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) joined the right-wing freakout over the Cleveland baseball team’s decision to change its name from the Cleveland Indians to the Cleveland Guardians from the 2021 season, and Twitter called foul.

The Texas Republican responded to Friday’s announcement with this post:

Why does MLB hate Indians?

â€" Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) July 23, 2021

Critics went to bat for the team:

All these attempts and still none of your lame jokes have landed.

â€" JoeMyGod (@JoeMyGod) July 23, 2021

wait I thought businesses were free to make their own decisions free of government meddling

â€" Karl Bode (@KarlBode) July 23, 2021

Really Ted? Is disliking native Americans what this name change is about? You're incredibly disingenuous.

â€" napacab (@napacab) July 23, 2021

Maybe focus on policy-making, your constituents’ needs, literally ANYTHING in your job description, rather than this???

â€" Wit Beyond Measure ⚡️ (@WitBeyondHP) July 23, 2021

Imagine if Ted Cruz was even a fraction as concerned about his own state as he is about Ohio and Georgia and Pennsylvania and Michigan and Wisconsin and California and

â€" Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) July 23, 2021

I admit the new name isn't as catchy as the Cancun Cruzs

â€" Ned Pyle (@NerdPyle) July 23, 2021

It's not that MLB hates Indians - it's that "Americans" dislike racism.

RepubliQans don't - but Americans do.

â€" Mark Judson For Congress - Scorched Earth Dem 2022 (@Judson4Congress) July 23, 2021

There is a team named after jazz music in Salt Lake City, and two teams named after socks.

â€" Kent Straith, Who Would Never Ever Do A Coup (@kstraith) July 23, 2021

Is this what a Senator does all day?

â€" Gerald Long (@crazypoliticos) July 23, 2021

Why are you (the federal government) trying to meddle in the decisions of a local business?

â€" Molly Knight (@molly_knight) July 23, 2021

Yeah changing a name to eliminate its racial overtones can only be driven by a hatred for that race, totally agree Rafael

â€" Harry (@DocEgonSpengler) July 23, 2021

Great point Ted it's like Cleveland decided to just abandon them and go to Cabo while their city was suffering and then blamed it on their daughters

â€" Miguel Jose (@migueljose_85) July 23, 2021

Extremely good use of your time, Senator

â€" Collin Reischman (@CMReischman) July 23, 2021

Because they didn't honor native Americans, they cartooned and stereotyped them.

â€" Nick Weig (@tbweig) July 23, 2021 RELATED...
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