Your Daily Horoscope for Friday August 20

By Hedy Damari August 20, 2021 â€" 12.00am


March 21- April 19

Slow it down and savour the moment! As a hard hitting Aries you’re always in a hurry to get from A to B with the speed and force of a Mack truck, but now it’s time to stop and smell the roses, which for people like you can be a forgotten art. So step back and simply enjoy the moment.

Every star sign on love, career and more.

Every star sign on love, career and more.Credit:iStock


April 20-May 20

As an earth sign who likes to know what’s around the corner, you’re not the most spontaneous person. However, with the stars bringing out your adventurous spirit, you’ll be compelled to do something out of character from a bold new ’do to asking someone on a date. Meanwhile, you may be forced to make a bold confession about your past.


May 21-June 21

You’re a wonderful team player but today with the stars making you stubborn and opinionated, it’ll be your way or the highway. You’re also more likely to lock horns with both bosses as well as colleagues, and be less compromising. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, Gemini. Sometimes it’s good to stand your ground and be assertive.


June 22-July 22

One step forward, two steps back? Not really. It may feel as though the universe is putting the kibosh on a passion project or giving you a case of writer’s block. Don’t let stop start to get you down and look at them in a more philosophical fashion. Any pauses are a chance to make things better.


July 23-August 22

Expect some upheaval at home today as the cosmic climate stirs up discord and brings problems to the surface. Thankfully, it’s nothing communication, togetherness and sit downs can’t fix. In fact, it may even bring you closer together as a unit. When it comes to purchases however, you may want to put the breaks on and do your research.


August 23-September 22

Watch your tongue! You’re usually very measured and thoughtful when you express yourself but today your well-intended words could be misconstrued. Think carefully before you speak so as not to cause offence. Having said that, feel free to speak your mind but in a tactful manner so that the message doesn’t get lost in the delivery.


September 23-October 22

As an air sign you’re one of the ‘people persons’ of the zodiac but now you’ll be even better at picking up the subtlest cues when it comes to body language. No one will be able to pull a shifty on your watch which could compel you to stick up for someone who’s being taken advantage of.


October 23 â€" November 22

Okay. Things may not go according to plan, Scorpio, but that’s no need to throw in the towel. Breathe through the chaos and take bumps in the road in your stride. You can easily make lemonade from lemons. Also, think about how you would like to come across as well as what you value.


November 23-December 20

If you’ve been hasty with a decision involving property or a potential move the stars urge you to pump the brakes. Reassess the ramifications, look at alternatives and know that it’s okay to change your mind. If not, the only person you’ll be inconveniencing in the long run is you. Meanwhile, it’s time for a top-to-toe makeover!


December 21-January 19

This is a favourable time for learning something new, taking care of the details of daily life, and developing a good mental rapport with others. You’ll be more aware of new techniques and plans to improve your immediate environment. It’s a good time to take tests, fill out forms, write emails, make calls and take care of daily tasks.


January 20-February 18

Hibernation will be deliciously appealing today as the moon nestles into your sign. The relaxed atmosphere is perfect for spending quality time with family, enjoying your own company, altering your home’s appearance and enjoying the simple things in life. Romantically, you’ll be receptive, affectionate and willing to please. Life will also seem less complicated.


February 19-March 20

You’re always wary of hurting people’s feelings but what about your own? Now it’s time to speak up. Mars in your relationship zone encourages you to voice your opinions and express yourself as it enhances your powers of persuasion. You’ll feel eloquent and decisive so share your great ideas or put people in their place.

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