FITZROY COMMUNITY SCHOOL Unintended outcomes risk from best of intentions

September 15, 2021 â€" 7.43amIllustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

I am sure Tim Berryman had only the best of intentions when he allowed (and allegedly encouraged) children to attend his school. With the current infection rate of 1.7, the 30 cases associated with the school could seed a further 50 cases, which in turn could seed a further 85 cases. With a four-day incubation this could potentially result in 165 cases in eight days, some of whom could be hospitalised. At that number it is statistically unlikely that anyone would die as a result, but if there were an underlying health problem it is a possibility. Obviously, this is a worst-case scenario that does not take into account people being tested promptly and following isolation requirements. However, the question is, did the headmaster consider this unintended potential outcome when making the decision to ignore the well-publicised health advice relating to schools? Ken Finley, Mount Martha

A curious equation at work
The saga of Fitzroy Community School, whose principal seems to think he knows more about pandemics than any scientist, raises a broader question. Why would any parent pay $18,000 a year for their child to be educated by people who lack the most basic understanding of mathematics, risk and community solidarity? There are plenty of good government schools nearby.
Caroline Williamson, Brunswick

An advocacy that helps no one
Yes, Tim Berryman, you are correct in saying children are suffering by being denied face-to-face learning. And maybe, for the most part, they suffer little when they contract COVID.
However, children are efficient contractors and spreaders of the Delta strain. From a societal point of view, your well-meaning advocacy runs contrary to everything you should stand for.
Yes, it is horrible our children are in this situation â€" I’m a parent and educator myself â€" but in the short term, public stands like yours do nothing to help anyone. Public schools have toed the line, yours should too. Matt Dunn, Leongatha

Subject to the subordinate clause
Parents hoping for their children to succeed in science, law or public policy might want to avoid Fitzroy Community School, where such subjects are apparently subordinate to the principal’s hunches.
Ben Redwood, South Yarra

Evidence-based education goes missing
Fitzroy Community School is engulfed in a COVID-19 outbreak, with 33 students and staff having contracted the virus. The principal Tim Berryman is quoted as saying, ″⁣There is no evidence to suggest that children being at school contributes to this pandemic at all.″⁣ (Kids are fine: Principal hits back (12/9). Whatever happened to evidence-based education? Lawrie Bradly, Surrey Hills

A principal’s commonsense approach
Bravo to Tim Berryman for his commonsense approach to the health and education of children. Neither Italy nor Sweden shut down schools at any time during the past 20 months. Perhaps it’s time to look to the wise old world countries rather than North America. Lara Blamey, Mount Eliza

We are supported by our neighbours
I write to correct an impression (Age, 14/9) that we are surrounded by hostile neighbours. We could not be more delighted with the generous, loving offers made by them at this time: offers to buy and deliver food, offers to do any little thing we may wish done. We have been here since 1970 and know all but the newcomers well. Our area of Brunswick Street is a little like a village. Obviously there is someone we do not know.
Faye Berryman, co-founder Fitzroy Community School


Ignoring compliance
Yes, “Coronavirus cases on building sites are proving problematic”, but it’s not “because people often work at various locations and travel long distances” (The Age, 14/9). It’s because compliance with the most basic COVID restrictions â€" mask-wearing and physical distancing â€" has been, and continues to be, routinely ignored.
It’s well beyond time there was finally some action to enforce compliance with COVID requirements in this industry; making vaccination mandatory is a necessary move. The proposed compliance teams to ensure those on site are vaccinated are essential.
That significant COVID numbers are presenting in the construction industry comes as no surprise to anyone who lives near, or has passed such a workplace, where groups of workers, are often in close proximity, with not a mask, not even a neck mask, in sight.
Deborah Morrison, Malvern East

Please, no masks in parks
Daniel Andrews and Brett Sutton, it’s time to remove the requirement to wear masks in parks and outdoors where social distancing is possible. We walk in Jells Park frequently wearing our masks and it is irritating and annoying to see more than 50 per cent of the people either not wearing a mask or wearing it as a chin guard or carrying an empty coffee container not wearing their mask.
Roger Christiansz, Wheelers Hill

The TV reality
The editorial (14/9) suggests that the 3000 kilometres between here and the football diminishes for us the theatre of the occasion. But why? Even if the game were held at the MCG unless we have a ticket we have to watch it on TV.
Peter Drum, Coburg

Unmask these workers
Last week I tried to ask three site workers if it was necessary, at this time, to be unmasked and without distancing on the pavement. One young man told to me take a hike. The only path to my front gate was to pass this chatty group. For every Victorian lockdown I have had to run the gauntlet of unmasked construction workers every time I stepped outside my front gate. After passing 11 unmasked workers on one block, in one dog walk, I now drive to the next suburb for my exercise.
COVID reporting systems require either name and mobile of individuals (try asking a construction worker for that info) or reporting the company. For all the reports I have made construction worker behaviour has not changed at this site. They are a risk to the Footscray community and collective Victorian efforts to keep ourselves and each other healthy, safe and out of lockdowns.
Wendy Tanner, Footscray

Refugees and lockdowns
Everyone I know in Melbourne is sick to death of lockdowns. The most common refrains are: ″⁣If we only knew when it would be over″⁣; ″⁣The uncertainty is killing me″⁣; ″⁣It is not possible to plan anything″⁣.
Refugees know all about uncertainty. Having fled their countries to avoid persecution or death, they have left literally everything behind. They are locked up in Australia with no idea whether or not they will be allowed to stay. Some have been told that they will never be allowed to live in this country.
We know the pandemic will one day be over. They have no idea what the future holds for them. Perhaps the experience of the pandemic may lead to Australians understanding the sheer cruelty of our current approach to refugees.
Hopefully this will lead to change and we will return to the humanitarian policies of previous eras.
Chris Nixon, Hawthorn

Why the delay?
Federal vaccination teams will be sent to aged care homes to offer jabs to the remaining 24,000 unvaccinated workers by the end of the week (″⁣Vaccine teams sent to lagging care facilities″⁣, The Age, 14/9).
Why wasn’t this done back in April?
Ruth Farr, Blackburn South

Thanks for nothing
Tony Abbott has put me in a bit of a quandary. I was always under the impression that if I saw someone doing something wrong I should report it. So when I, (73 years old,) saw kids destroying trees in the park opposite me (there were a few of them) I didn’t know whether to dob them in or go and say something to them, with the chance of being attacked myself. I wonder if Mr Abbott could tell me what he would have done.
Glenn Brotchie, Warrnambool

No defence on costs
With the submarine debacle now well-established it should be understood that for decades the defence department has suffered a multitude of ill-advised procurement decisions and cost blow-outs which have cost the taxpayer billions of lost dollars. These range from helicopters, submarines, tanks, frigates, supply ships and the new F-35 fighters, all of which have been well-documented by countless Senate estimates committee meetings. It’s money that could well have been used for more hospitals and better education for all Australians.
David Eames-Mayer, Balwyn

Climate of care
Australia’s military have a proud history of responding to domestic and international crises. Their expertise in planning and logistics has been pivotal during the pandemic, as well as during recent fires and floods. So when generals warn that escalating climate change is an ″⁣existential threat” surely we should listen. (″⁣Climate change spurs threat of war, mass migration in region,″⁣ The Age, 14/9). Federal governments often appoint military figures for their expertise and ability to convey order in an emergency. Isn’t it time we had another overseeing our ″⁣climate risk reduction″⁣, perhaps with the catchy label Operation Duty of Care?
Brenda Tait, Kew

China’s priorities ...
For decades, China watchers have wondered how the country can liberalise some elements of its society while retaining repressive control of others. As Peter Hartcher explains, (Comment, 14/9) it seems Xi Jinping has recognised the inconsistency of allowing the economy to follow free market principles while maintaining strict social and political control. By cracking down on the private lives of the Chinese people and also advocating a campaign for common prosperity, Xi is sending a strong, consistent message that the rights of individuals are less important than those of the nation. At least it will be easier to understand China now.
Rod Wise, Surrey Hills

... may have a point
Peter Hartcher’s comment raises disturbing images about present-day China and its domestic policies. In one respect, however, there is some room for disagreement. ″⁣Unreasonable incomes″⁣ are a feature of most societies, and the long-running tendency for inequality in wealth between classes within our societies is a recognised fact.
The move to a ″⁣common prosperity″⁣ (in Xi Jinping’s terms) is something to be approved rather than disapproved. Assuming that the great wealth of a few citizens is used to further ″⁣social causes″⁣ (that is, spread among less well-off people) the fact that it may further consolidate the power of Xi Jinping is beside the point. The redistribution of wealth is not of itself necessarily a wrong thing as Hartcher’s comment seems at least to imply.
Richard Mitchell, Caulfield North

History lesson
Could Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly inform us as to when Billy Hughes was a UAP prime minister?
Paddy Kendler, Newtown

Remembering the past
Well said, Nyadol Nyuon (″⁣We remember fear campaign, Mr Guy″⁣, Comment, 11/9), an excellent reminder of the damaging, shallow and deliberate effort by Matthew Guy to seek election on a fringe fear campaign.
By doing so, he missed the true leadership opportunity to unify communities and draw upon the strengths that an evolving and diverse cultural landscape brings. He does not deserve to lead a state whose identity, values and history are largely defined by the wonders of multiculturalism.
As Nyadol said, we remember.
Emily Spiller, Harrietville

Watch the neighbourhood
In Saturday’s Naked City column, John Silvester says Chief Commissioner of Police Shane Patton ″⁣wants to introduce local safety committees with town hall and virtual meetings where residents tell police of their concerns″⁣.
For years there has been an organisation liaising with police, and having police report and speak at its local meetings. This is Neighbourhood Watch. Why wouldn’t Commissioner Patton start with it?
It’s been sad to see attendances at meetings fall as long-established suburban residents die or move out. In my experience new arrivals tend to keep to themselves, and kids don’t play in the street any more, so that the old ″⁣solidarity″⁣ where everyone knew their neighbours and kept an eye on the kids and the neighbours’ homes when they were on holiday no longer exists. The remaining members of Neighbourhood Watch would love to see their organisation given new life and relevance through whatever input Patton wants to offer.
Don Jordan, Mount Waverley

Dylan would be ace
If Australian of the Year is to be awarded to a sports person again then though Ash Barty, Emma McKeon and Patty Mills would all be worthwhile recipients Dylan Alcott would be hard to beat. Not only for achieving the ″⁣Golden Slam″⁣ but for being such an inspiration to all in overcoming adversity.
Samantha Keir, East Brighton

Beside the point
If because of lockdown I am beside myself can I be fined for having a visitor? Bob Graham, Yarragon



No jab no work, all sectors. End of story.
Bridget Foley, Alphington

Who’d a thought? It was a race.
Bill Burns, Bendigo

Constructive idea: shut down construction sites for a few weeks.
Claire Merry, Wantirna

It is good to see that the government target of vaccinating all aged care workers by Easter is going to be met â€" Easter 2022 that is.
Gretel Lamont, Aireys Inlet

Gladys Berejiklian is having her own ″⁣I don’t hold a hose″⁣ moment. Lesson ignored. Own goal.
Kirk Weeden, Frankston

Let’s put claims about intermittent sun and wind powering the nation to the test. Just add ″⁣Reliable″⁣ to the title of our National Energy Market.
Gordon Thurlow, Launceston, Tas

Will endlessly ″⁣slow-walking″⁣ towards net zero by 2050 become known as the new Australian crawl?
Bernd Rieve, Brighton

Perhaps Alan Tudge should be referred to as the federal Minister against Education.
Phil Alexander, Eltham

By trying to cancel “black armband history”, Alan Tudge does a good job in demonstrating the meaning of “cancel culture”.
Henry Herzog, St Kilda East

Max Gawn would have been an infinitely better Ned Kelly than Mick Jagger. Such is life!
John Hoey, Hampton

New state Opposition Leader Matthew Guy promotes all men to his new cabinet. Where are the women?
Chris Hooper, Castlemaine

Today’s petrol prices of $1.78 per litre will have more people thinking about electric alternatives.
John Simmonds, Fitzroy

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