Police isolating after contact with positive demonstrator as lid kept on protest in suburbs

Police officers have been forced into isolation after coming into contact with a COVID-positive protester as Melbourne’s anti-vaccination, anti-lockdown protests dragged into a fifth, mostly thwarted day of action on Friday.

More than 200 people were arrested during the day as small groups of protesters â€" dismissed by Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton earlier in the day as “absolutely whacky” â€" gathered throughout the afternoon.

The day’s protests culminated in a brief scuffle with police outside Northcote Plaza, in Melbourne’s inner-north.

The Northcote rally came after Victoria recorded 733 new locally acquired COVID-19 cases and one death on Friday. Police had earlier prevented planned large-scale protests in the city, picking off and detaining individual protesters on their way into the CBD and surrounding suburbs.

Victoria Police confirmed on Friday a small number of officers had been identified as close contacts of a protester who attended a rally in Melbourne’s CBD on Wednesday.

“The officers involved have been informed to get tested and isolate,” a spokeswoman said. Police would not confirm the number of officers in quarantine “for operational reasons” but the spokeswoman said “service delivery to the public will remain unaffected”.

Police and riot squad search for protesters near Northcote Plaza and All Nations Park on Friday.

Police and riot squad search for protesters near Northcote Plaza and All Nations Park on Friday.Credit:Eddie Jim

Victoria’s Department of Health confirmed on Thursday that the person who attended the protests was in a Melbourne hospital being treated for COVID-19.

It follows chaotic scenes on Wednesday, when thousands of protesters converged on the Shrine of Remembrance, scattering only when the riot squad moved in firing rubber bullets and pepper spray into the crowd. Protesters set off flares and pelted police with projectiles including bottles and golf balls.

After that, police vowed to continually adapt their tactics. Planned protests on Thursday and Friday fizzled out amid dozens of arrests.

The continuous actions have been lashed by Professor Sutton and Health Minister Martin Foley, who said the protests threatened to morph into super-spreader events.

A woman caught up in protests outside Northcote Plaza on Friday.

A woman caught up in protests outside Northcote Plaza on Friday.Credit:Luis Enrique Ascui

“This ill-advised behaviour is threatening to achieve the direct opposite of what they proclaim to be their goals. More cases prolong the public health measures; vaccines and vaccinations shorten them,” Mr Foley said.

The protests kicked off on Monday outside the CFMEU’s Melbourne office in response to new restrictions in the construction sector, including mandatory vaccine requirements at building sites. They have since morphed into a canvas upon which protesters can project their rage about vaccines, lockdowns and Victorian politics.

Professor Sutton dismissed the shutdown of the construction industry that triggered ongoing protest action could have been better handled, saying the protesters were “anti-everything”.

“They are anti-lockdown, they are anti the shutdown on international travel, they are anti-masks, they are anti-social distancing,” he said.

Protesters converged on All Nations Park in a short-lived protest on Friday.

Protesters converged on All Nations Park in a short-lived protest on Friday.Credit:Nine News

“If they’ve taken mandated vaccination as a hook [to protest], so be it. But let’s not pretend that these are otherwise rational individuals; they are absolutely wacky.”

Protesters were met with a strong police presence in the city on Friday morning, preventing a repeat of the earlier large rallies.

Dozens of protesters gathered in Northcote about 2pm, walking aimlessly around the car park at Northcote Plaza and neighbouring streets. The protesters shouted “every day”, in reference to the daily protest action throughout Melbourne, and occasionally hurled abuse at passersby.

Hundreds of police swarmed the scene, forcing protesters to disperse, with at least one person arrested after a large scuffle outside the plaza entrance.

At nearby All Nations Park, metres from the Northcote police station, the protest was watched by children playing in the playground and people having picnics on the grass. Someone from a nearby balcony shouted “you suck” at the group, prompting jeers from the crowd.

Mary, a trader inside Northcote Plaza, said she had been extremely shaken up by the protest. She told radio station 3AW that protesters entered the plaza and were shouting and using foul language, before police dispersed the crowd after about 20 minutes.

“We were all quite shaken. I’ve never seen anything like it,” she said. “We are all very shaken and quite distressed.

“We had to stop trading, we were all scared. It was quite overwhelming. The protesters shouldn’t have come inside ... it was overwhelming seeing riot police lining up and calling, ‘move, move’. I’ve never experienced anything like it. It was wrong. We were more worried about the safety of the pensioners and little kids.”

Thousands of people angry about vaccinations and lockdowns shut down parts of the city and descended on the Shrine of Remembrance before being forced out by riot police on Wednesday.

Thousands of people angry about vaccinations and lockdowns shut down parts of the city and descended on the Shrine of Remembrance before being forced out by riot police on Wednesday. Credit:Jason South

On Friday afternoon, a protest organiser said there was still “chatter” about further action, but conceded the police tactics had largely thwarted protests.

“Our plan has been to start with multiple locations to stretch thin cop resources and provide protesters a chance to form crowds â€" our government has responded by wasting MORE of their resources to suppress your democratic right to peaceful protest,” they said.

“They have increased presence in our locations and broken up small groups to send them home.”

A police spokeswoman said more than 200 people were arrested on Friday, including 31 people in Northcote. A number of people will be charged with criminal offences, including deception, theft and drug offences.

More than 1000 protesters gather on West Gate Bridge on Tuesday afternoon.

More than 1000 protesters gather on West Gate Bridge on Tuesday afternoon.Credit:Jason South

”Police are disappointed to see the number of people who are continuing to breach the [Chief Health Officer’s] directions and remind those people that we will not tolerate their behaviour and will continue to arrest and fine them if they are found to be in breach of the CHO directions,” she said.

More than 101,000 Victorians were vaccinated on Thursday â€" proof, Mr Foley said, the protesters’ views were on the fringe.

“These so-called freedom fighters are losing oxygen every day, because the Victorian community does not support their behaviour,” he said.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, speaking from Washington, condemned the violent protests in Melbourne this week.

A man is detained by police in Melbourne on Friday.

A man is detained by police in Melbourne on Friday.Credit:Luis Ascui

“There have been some disgraceful scenes, particularly at the Shrine â€" deeply disturbing and deeply upsetting and deeply offensive,” he said. “We respect freedom of speech but equally there are things we must deeply respect and the desecration of the Shrine of Remembrance is truly sickening.”

Victorian authorities are urging people to stay home over the AFL grand final long weekend, with Professor Sutton cautioning the 9pm curfew was still in place.

“Enjoy your fancy cheeseboards or whatever way you want to enjoy it at home, put the barbecue on, put your iPad up, have your phones on FaceTime; cry and scream and laugh and joke over the internet ... the overwhelming transmission that’s occurring is between households for people who are not aware that they’re positive,” Professor Sutton said.

While the state was projected to reach its target of 80 per cent of eligible Victorians having received their first dose of vaccine by Sunday, Mr Foley said on current rates the state would now reach that goal by mid to late next week.

Victoria will be classified extreme risk in Western Australia after Friday’s 733 new cases pushed the state over the 500-case rolling average that triggers the reclassification. WA Premier Mark McGowan said West Australians in Melbourne who wanted to get back into the state needed to do so before 12.01am next Wednesday.

With David Estcourt

Bianca Hall is a senior writer and co-host of The Age and Sydney Morning Herald's national podcast Please Explain. She has previously worked in a range of roles including city editor, senior reporter, and in the Canberra federal politics bureau.Connect via Twitter, Facebook or email.Simone Fox Koob is a crime reporter for The Age. Most recently she covered breaking news for The Age, and before that for The Australian in Melbourne.Connect via email.Clay Lucas is a senior reporter for The Age. Clay has worked at The Age since 2005, covering urban affairs, transport, state politics, local government and workplace relations for The Age and Sunday Age.Connect via Twitter, Facebook or email.

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