We need to get our children back into school

September 14, 2021 â€" 8.50pm

When Premier Daniel Andrews releases his much-anticipated road map out of lockdown â€" expected on Sunday â€" there are many “freedoms” we would all like to see flagged. It will no doubt be a cautious plan, as it should be, but Victorians will welcome some clear idea of when and how the state will gradually reopen.

The plan will be important for everyone, but especially for schoolchildren and their parents. We need to see a way forward to return students to school as soon and as safely as possible.

Just because our children are resilient does not mean they should be expected to bear this burden a moment longer than they have to.

Just because our children are resilient does not mean they should be expected to bear this burden a moment longer than they have to.Credit:iStock

In NSW, there is a blueprint detailing which children will return and when. Year 12s will return full-time on October 25, with all students back from November 8. Victoria needs a similar road map so children and parents know when at least that part of life will return to some form of normality, with safety precautions in place.

Throughout this pandemic our children and their teachers have shown adaptability and good grace. They have endured the limitations of remote learning, a severely curtailed social life and an uncertain future. They have made sacrifices, largely to protect not themselves â€" for children do seem to be affected less severely by COVID-19 â€" but to reduce the spread among older and more vulnerable members of society.

The early predictions of a collapse in academic standards have largely come to nought, as the recent NAPLAN results indicated. But just because our children are resilient does not mean they should be expected to bear this burden longer than necessary.

The long-term effect on their learning is as yet unknown. While some have thrived, others, particularly disadvantaged children with poor internet access and disruptive learning environments, will no doubt have fallen behind their peers. Home schooling is not a level playing field.

An ongoing concern is children’s mental health. The warnings have been clear. As far back as a year ago The Age reported that psychologists were seeing a “huge increase” in children being moved onto mental health plans to deal with the stresses of lockdown and remote schooling. Earlier this year a Royal Children’s Hospital poll on remote learning found more than 50 per cent of Victorian children suffered deteriorating mental health while away from school last year.

Newly installed Opposition Leader Matthew Guy has demanded that all students return when term 4 starts on October 4. That may not be possible until greater numbers of the population are fully vaccinated, but we need to see the specifics of the government’s plan to return students at least during term 4 to re-establish relationships with peers and teachers before the long summer holiday.

This is a difficult issue for parents. While they want their children to return to classrooms, they do not want them to get COVID-19, even though it is mostly a milder disease for children. Fitzroy Community School in Brunswick Street, Fitzroy North, invited children to attend in breach of health orders. It is now a tier 1 exposure site linked to dozens of infections.

Yet as Victoria ticks off our vaccination targets, the balance between risk and reward will shift in favour of in-school learning. The state government needs to explain what measures will be introduced to make it possible, including greater ventilation at schools and possibly compulsory masks indoors. It should make it as easy as possible for children aged 12 and over to be vaccinated.

An increasingly compelling suggestion is for the government to mandate that all staff be vaccinated and be given priority access to vaccinations. This is already happening in NSW, with all school staff to be vaccinated by November 8. US President Joe Biden is pushing for it in the US. In Victoria, a breakaway group of Australian Education Union delegates who represent staff at state schools in Melbourne’s inner suburbs has called on the government to do the same.

There are arguments around civil liberties, but as a community we generally accept that in some high-risk essential workplaces, such as health and childcare, individual choice is outweighed by the common good. The same can be argued for schools.

Premier Daniel Andrews has indicated that mandatory vaccination for school staff is being considered. It should be part of his road map â€" so we can get our long-suffering children back into classrooms.

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