Students holiday visas putting pressure on wages RBA

The Reserve Bank’s own economics research department identified students, holiday makers and the partners of people brought into the country on skilled migrant visas as reasons for Australia’s sluggish wages growth ahead of the coronavirus pandemic.

Documents obtained by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age under Freedom of Information laws show “changes in Australian immigration policies” were one of the long-term structural factors that had contributed to spare capacity in the jobs market and “subsequently low wages growth”.

Research by the RBA’s economics department noted immigration policies contributing to spare capacity in the nation’s jobs market ahead of a speech by bank governor Philip Lowe.

Research by the RBA’s economics department noted immigration policies contributing to spare capacity in the nation’s jobs market ahead of a speech by bank governor Philip Lowe.Credit:Dominic Lorrimer

RBA governor Phil Lowe ignited a public debate over immigration last month when he used a speech to argue the nation’s high levels of immigration were partly to blame for years of low wages growth while allowing businesses to avoid properly training their own staff.

The bank believes wages growth has to get back above 3 per cent a year to help push inflation back into its 2-3 per cent target band.

Wages growth had already slipped to record lows before the pandemic, before slowing even further with figures due this week expected to show a 1.9 per cent increase over the past 12 months.

The documents show that the bank itself had been looking at the issue of factors affecting wages growth, including immigration, in the weeks leading up to Dr Lowe’s July 8 address.

In a briefing dated June 22, the bank’s economics analysis department noted a central issue for the jobs market would be the impact of the reopening of the nation’s international borders, which is expected to occur some time next year.

The note asked if this would be “sufficient to curb upward pressure” on wages or whether the extra people coming into the country would boost overall economic demand.

Saying it was “uncontroversial” to argue spare capacity was a driving factor behind recent wages growth, the department added there were medium and long-term structural issues that were restraining wages growth. These included changes to the nation’s immigration policy and “the composition of the immigrant pool”.

Those changes included the expansion of migrant numbers over the past 20 years, which in turn had increased the national labour supply.

It noted one of the key pressure points was for people already working in low-paid jobs.

“The largest growth in migration by far has been for unskilled migrants, primarily students, working
holiday makers and family visa holders. These migrants have partial or full work rights and tend to work in the lowest-paid jobs, for which domestic labour is relatively easily substitutable,” it noted.

The department said many migrants to have come into Australia were skilled in areas for which there was a lack of locally-available workers. Many of these people were in jobs which were paid well above the national median.

But even this had an impact on wages.

“Immigration of the primary skilled visa holder is likely to lessen wage growth pressures in these occupations, while having a marginal impact on spare capacity; in particular, it might marginally increase spare capacity by reducing incentives for employers to invest in available but poorly matched domestic labour supply,” it found.

The partners of skilled migrants, who did not have any skill requirements but had full work rights, were also a factor.

“This increases spare capacity, as these secondary migrants do tend to participate in the labour market and have characteristics similar to incumbent workers,” it found.

Work by the department showed skilled migrant visa holders were much more likely to be either managers or professionals than incumbent Australian workers. But their partners had skills very similar to people already working domestically.

The Department of Home Affairs, responding to Dr Lowe’s address, had pointed to research suggesting no direct link between immigration and wages growth.

The RBA research used Home Affairs figures to show that while permanent migrant numbers had remained relatively steady over the past decade, temporary migration reached an all-time high of almost 900,000 people in 2019. Of those, about 800,000 were unskilled migrants.

Shane is a senior economics correspondent for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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